2025 Job Postings will be listed in Spring of '25
Tent Installer/General Laborer
Dish Washer/Order Prep
Both positions can be applied for by filling out an application which you can find HERE. Please either email, mail or drop off your application.
Email: undercovertents@gmail.com
Mail: P.O. Box 142, Bradford, VT 05033
Drop off: 1233 Lower Plain, Bradford, VT 05033
Tent Installer/General Laborer
Show up on time and ready to work
Ability to work well with others
Follow direction
Must be able to safely lift heavy items
Handle equipment with respect & care
Good attention to detail
Behave professionally
Communicate well with customers
Load truck & trailer according to packing slips
Travel throughout VT & NH to deliver/set up rental items
Installation and removal of multiple styles of tents
Installation/removal of other rental equipment such as, but not limited to, staging, dance floors, lighting, power, etc.
Communicate with clients from time to time (coordinate delivery times)
Dish Washer/Order Prep
Show up on time and ready to work
Ability to work well with others
Follow direction
Must be able to safely lift heavy items
Handle equipment with respect & care
Good attention to detail
Behave professionally
Communicate well with customers
Operate a commercial dish washer
Pre-wash dishes by hand when necessary
Properly inspect dishes before packaging for rental
Prepare orders for delivery/pickup
Clean & prepare Restroom Trailer(s) for delivery